Just Listed

858 Temagog Rd, Temagog


3 1 40.44 ha

Get out of town - 40 Hectares (100Acres)

If you are looking to enjoy the country life this farm may do the trick.

Located at Temagog around 23 minutes drive West of Kempsey via sealed road you will find this gem with added bonus of Garbage collection and school bus at the front gate. This farm is 100 acres in size and is at least 60% grazing and the remainder is usable hardwood timber. The property is well watered with an exceptional deep dam and over 30,000 ltrs of storage tanks. Numerous paddocks for your livestock and over 130 established Mango trees in the orchard.

The 3 bedroom Hardie plank home is well appointed with air conditioning and wood fire and a great solar set up on the roof. A large undercover entertaining deck at the rear of the home overlooks the property and there will be certainly many an hour spent there watching the family enjoying the rural lifestyle. Call to book your private inspection.


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3 1 40.44 ha


Address 858 Temagog Rd, Temagog
Price $850,000
Property Type Residential
Property ID 1668
Category Acreage Semi-rural
Land Area 40.44 ha


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