143 Sutherlands Lane, Bellimbopinni


4 2 2

Prime Alluvial Holding


This 44-acre Bellompinni holding is as good as it gets on the lower Macleay, with its fertile, productive soils ideal for cattle fattening, hay/ silage making, or cropping. Located on a quiet bitumen road only 15 minutes from town and beaches, the property features a charming 3-4 bedroom home with a open plan living/dining/kitchen area, ensuite, sunroom and under house parking and storage while there is a large open plan machinery shed, and a separate storage shed/ barn with adjoining skillion shed. The property is well fenced into several paddocks with a lane way for ease of management, and a set of steel stockyards. An exceptionally productive and versatile holding in a great location.

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4 2 2


Address 143 Sutherlands Lane, Bellimbopinni
Price $1,100,000
Property Type Rural
Property ID 1654


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