
131 Austral Eden Inner Rd, Austral Eden


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Austral Eden Productive Acreage

Tightly held family farm at Austral Eden consisting of 19.62ha (48.5 acres) of prime alluvial country divided into 12 paddocks ideal for cell grazing or crop production. A comfortable farmhouse with double car accommodation attached entertaining area or fernery. Air- conditioning kitchen with dishwasher, separate dining room, huge closed in verandah and spacious loungeroom. The farm itself enjoys town water, sealed road frontage, numerous older farm sheds, cattle yards & great fruit trees. Located only 5 minutes from Gladstone and 15 Minutes to Kempsey it is definitely one of the most desirable areas on the Mid North Coast.


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Address 131 Austral Eden Inner Rd, Austral Eden
Price SOLD
Property Type Rural
Property ID 1500


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